ForwardMail4 can be used on a Windows Server PC. Be sure that you log on to the Windows server and start ForwardMail and it can not be run as a background process.
ForwardMail for System Administrators 4.78.07
By Unknown at 16.3.17
Internet Tools, software
If you are a system administrator of a company or organization, would you try "ForwardMail 100 Account Version" to improve the email communication and productivity of your group with less budget? ForwardMail for system administrators can be used to forward all your group member emails to their mobile PCs or mobile phones with such simple settings.
ForwardMail4 can be used on a Windows Server PC. Be sure that you log on to the Windows server and start ForwardMail and it can not be run as a background process.
ForwardMail4 can be used on a Windows Server PC. Be sure that you log on to the Windows server and start ForwardMail and it can not be run as a background process.
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