Putra Software

PC Privacy Shield Premium 3.3.0 Multilanguage

PC Privacy Shield will erase your online digital footprint, including your browsing history, file usage, and chat records. PC Privacy Shield cleans either all or specific information during selection, and also allows for incorrect / dummy information embedding in the history files. PC Privacy Shield is used to defend both information from phishing and cover its tracks, if necessary. PC Privacy Shield deletes real-time logon information and alerts when logged by the browsers. PC Privacy Shield cleans instant messages / chat history, keep your PC clean from all previous chat records.

PC Privacy Shield provides a fully automatic mode in which the software automatically protects the privacy on a set schedule that the user can create. Users of PC Privacy Shield can select specific categories that should be scanned and cleaned, or simply enable full automation.

PC privacy shield features

PC Privacy Shield has a special feature that allows you to automatically delete from the history and the specific website you visited after you have closed your browser. For example, you can selectively delete every time you check your bank account or other websites visit your children, roommates, etc. Will not be aware.

Protect your profiles
PC Privacy Shield protects against identity theft by showing where your phone number, e-mail, physical address, and credit card information are stored on your computer.

Delete user names and passwords
PC Privacy Shield performs a deep scan of users and passwords registered in your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari). You can remove them immediately and make sure they do not remain on your computer after each session.

Search for threats
PC Privacy Shield allows you to easily scan your PC or laptop for potential threats. The Dashboard immediately shows the vulnerability of your PC by revealing potential security and privacy issues.

Real-time protection
PC Privacy Shield detects malicious threats in real-time and lets you clean them before they cause damage.

Delete cookies
PC Privacy Shield will search your computer for any unwanted cookies found on it. This will help to protect you against aggressive advertisers as well as malicious hackers.

Planned cleaning
With PC Privacy Shield, you can clean your computer at any time and even schedule the scheduled cleaning, just in case you forget.

Save or replace your browser history
PC Privacy Shield allows you to selectively delete or replace you that you have visited and remain stored in your browser history

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