Putra Software

CSiBridge 2017 version 19.1.0

Computer and Structures, Inc. (CSI), a structural and earthquake engineering software company, has released the 19.1.0 version of Bridge 2017, specialized analysis and design software is tailored to the design of bridge systems.

CSiBridge is specialized analysis and design software, which is tailored to the engineering of bridge systems. Suspension, cable, ramp, and other types of bridge systems can be modeled and designed to suit any of a variety of purposes including means for crossing water, linking points between shear terrain, or over highway infrastructure. Customized controls and functions integrate through a powerful object-based modeling environment to provide an intuitive, convenient, and productive computational tool for bridge building. Advanced modeling features and sophisticated analysis techniques produce dynamic effects, inelastic behavior, and geometric non-linearity. Code-based templates streamline the engineering process from model definition through analysis, design optimization and the generation of comprehensive output portfolios. CSiBridge is the leading software for bridge building.

CSiBridge 2017 Version 19.1.0 Extensions:

Graphical user interface
- DirectX graphics have been enhanced for quality and speed.
- Moment and shear release can now be assigned to the edges of shell area objects.
- Time-dependent material behavior now available according to Eurocode 2-2004, AS 3600-2009, NZS 3101-2006, JTG D62-2004 codes and the GL2000 model. These include creep and shrinkage as well as age-dependent stiffness.
- Vietnamese concrete and reinforcing material libraries are now available.
- The convergence behavior of the friction pendulum and the triple pendulum isolator link elements has been improved.
Bridge design
- Bridge construction for concrete slab covers per Eurocode has been added, including stress, bending strength, shear strength and crack control.
Results Display & Output
- The performance of the bridge object response display form has been extended when the previously displayed results have been drawn.
- A detailed superstructure design output report for AASHTO Steel I Carrier Strength Design has been added.

About Computers and Structures, Inc

Established in 1975, Computer and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in software tools for structural and earthquake engineering. CSI software is used by thousands of engineering firms in more than 160 countries to design large-scale projects, including the Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan, a World Trade Center in New York, the 2008 Beijing Olympics Birds Nest Stadium and the Centenario Cables Bridge over the Panamakanal. CSI's software is supported by more than three decades of research and development, making it the trusted choice of sophisticated design professionals everywhere.

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