Putra Software

Syncdocs Corporate 6.933.32.309

Syncdocs is powerful Google Drive Sync and Backup. Synchronize multiple Google Drive accounts with end-to-end encryption. Synchronize all folders to Google Drive, not just the one folder Google client provides. These folders can be anywhere on your PC, network or even an external drive.

Get all the benefits of Syncdocs:

Be sure
Secure your data securely to Google Drive's global servers.

Be clever
Save money on office. Create and edit Office documents without Microsoft Office.

Be socially
Easily share files with anyone with full access control.

Pull into the cloud
Migrate all your work to the cloud and back, the easy way.

To stay updated
Automatic synchronization means that you always have the latest version of your data with you.

Group functions allow cloud and desktop office users to work together.

Freedom from anywhere access
Access your files from any computer or smartphone.

Easy to use
No complex interface to learning - Google Drive is depicted as a network G-Drive. And your files are automatically synchronized.

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