Putra Software

Rumpus Pro Full Version

Rumpus is the easy way to run your own FTP and Web file transfer server. Allow your clients to effortlessly upload and download files directly to your network, using dedicated FTP clients or any standard Web browser. The Web interface, which supports all major Web browsers on both Macs and PCs, is fully customizable to match your existing Web site and brand your business. Rumpus is also secure, featuring encrypted transfers and full user access controls.

Rumpus is not only lightning quick, but it's efficient, too. This means that FTP and Web users will be able to transfer and manage files as fast as the network allows, while leaving plenty of CPU time for other applications running on your server or desktop Mac.

Ease Of Use And Maintenance
Rumpus is, quite simply, the easiest FTP server on the planet to set up and administer. From the setup assistant that fully prepares the server to accept users to the logically designed server management windows, Rumpus makes running an FTP server easy.

Web File Manager
In addition to offering an incredibly high-performance FTP server with unmatched ease of use, Rumpus also includes the Web File Manager. The Web File Manager makes it easy to provide FTP-like capabilities to anyone with a Web browser.

Simple User Management
FTP users are managed directly in Rumpus, not in the system, keeping your FTP users distinct from other server resources. Not only does Rumpus make managing users easy, but it gives you advanced controls like individual drop folders, access restrictions, usage limits, account history, and more. The single-window user management interface in Rumpus is also supplemented by Web-based administration, allowing you to define and manage user accounts from anywhere on the Internet.

A Real Mac Application
Rumpus runs natively on any Mac running OS X 10.5 or later. There's no Java required and the memory footprint and CPU usage is tiny. You will also appreciate the comprehensive help pages and articles, that cover not only how to use Rumpus, but networking issues and the general FTP information you need when you have questions.

Professional Technical Support
Maxum has been selling Internet server software for Macs longer than anybody (including Apple!). When you have a question, we're here to help. We believe that you have a right to get the most out of the software you buy, always. So, we offer unlimited, free technical support.

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