Putra Software

KS-Soft Advanced Host Monitor Enterprise 11.00 Full Version

Advanced Host Monitor is a professional network monitoring tool that comes packed with a multitude of tests, alert modes, powerful report manager and log analyser, and remote monitoring capabilities. Although it bundles many dedicated parameters, the layout is clean and straightforward. Advanced Host Monitor gives users the possibility to start or pause the monitoring process, enable or disable the notifications, and select from various network tests, related to Ping operations (for testing the reachability of a host on an IP network), tracing tests, as well as email (SMTP, POP3, IMAP) and web (HTTP, URL, SOAP/XML) tests. What’s more, you can collect information about the free drive space, CPU usage, memory, NT event logs, traffic monitor, and many others.

  • perform searches, view a list with potential problems detected on the network, generate HTML, DBF, TXT, and WML reports containing detailed data about the entire monitoring process, and schedule tasks.
  • monitor any TCP device,
  • set up notifications (display warning messages, send alerts to a specified email address or mobile phone number,
  • execute external programs), and view the log files which contain useful data about the performed operations and possible errors.
  • helping you perform network monitoring operations in a professional way.


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