Putra Software

AllPlayer Multilingual

ALLPlayer adalah pemutar media ringan dan ringan untuk menonton film dengan subtitel. Ini memainkan semua format media yang dikenal. Selanjutnya, ia memiliki fungsi LiveUpdate yang diimplementasikan untuk memperbarui codec terbaru jika ada masalah saat membuka file film. Program ini juga mencari subtitel yang sesuai dalam semua bahasa secara otomatis. ALLPlayer dapat memutar beberapa format video dan audio, menampilkan sub judul cerdas, memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan semuanya dengan mudah.

Standard Features:
ALLContainer – film review, cover, and subtitles all in one file.
SnapShot – takes pictures of the films (stills) – F12 key.
Option to redefine the keyboard.
Automatic shutdown after watching a movie.
Automatic switching off of the monitor after watching a movie.
AutoResume – resume watching the movie from the point where we finished.
Frame by frame browsing.
The ability to play the movie as a desktop background.
Possibility of changing the playback speed from 0.1x to 2x film speed.
Possibility of changing contrast, brightness, or saturation.
Possibility of changing balance, volume, and also through the AC3 sound filter, the possibility of switching output for any number of channels.
OSD – On Screen Display.
The ability to skip the film set in the program settings (default 10 seconds).
Any size of window for the movie – using the mouse-drag option.
Zoom in full screen mode.
Easy access to filters used by video, as well as the ability to configure most of the available filters on your computer.
Easy access to recently opened files.
Repeat function.
Widescreen TV support.
Automatic selection of image resolution in full screen mode.
Option to adjust film volume separately from computer volume


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