Putra Software

Smart Phone Flash Tool 5.1708.00 Portable

SP flash tool is an Android SmartPhone application which allows you to easily flash stock ROM and install custom ROMs on your android phone. This tool only allows flash custom recovery to MediaTeck based android devices and it works devices which comes with scatter file. So you should have been installed MTK drivers before flashing. SmartPhone flash software help to upgrade or downgrade your android SmartPhone firmware in just few clicks.
Create a backup and flash a recovery image

In order to avoid data loss, it is recommended that you create a backup of all the phone content, since flashing formats the target device. Also, be advised that performing such operations with unofficial software may void the phone’s warranty, since the seal is broken for the boot loader.

Flashing a recovery image is a mandatory process that a phone owner has to perform in order to replace the original boot loader with a new one that allows custom ROM installing. It is not a very difficult task, especially if you already went through all the necessary steps for rooting the phone.

Browse some files, upgrade the firmware and test the memory

Smart Phone Flash Tool is designed to make this procedure even easier by enabling you to format the target device and upgrade the firmware with a few clicks. Users must browse for the scatter-loading file, the authentication, certification and the Nand Util files before proceeding to actually using the software.

Additionally, the application can perform various tests on your phone in order to determine whether its memory is functioning properly or not, while also enabling you to overwrite memory address ranges.


Custom ROMs have evolved to provide smart phone users with a lot more than just simple device tweaks. There are ROMs that can customize every setting, giving the device a whole new look and feel or enhancing its capabilities.

Smart Phone Flash Tool indeed makes the flashing procedure much easier, but it cannot repair your device in case something goes wrong and your handset ends up in a permanent “bricked,” non-functional state, requiring a full system restore.

• Flash stock ROM - Upgrade and downgrade firmwares
• Flash recovery - Flash custom recovery to MTK based SmartPhones
• Memory test - Memory Check and verify
• Parameter settings - Read and write parameters on your device
• Format device

Preparations Before flashing with MTK Flash Tool
You should fulfil following requirements before the SPFlash process
• Pc and the phone that hope to flashing
• USB data cable
• Manually installed MTK - VCOM drivers
• Scatter file + Files to be flashed
• Download SmartPhone Flash Tool
• Minimum 50% charged battery
• Backup the device

How to use SPFlash Tool
• Open the latest SPFlashTool and scatter loading file
• Select the scatter file for your device
• Unchecked the all boxes
• Then click recovery from the list and find the recovery image open that you need to flash
• The Recovery should be only one checked and others are unchecked
• Turn off your phone, click the flash tool download button
• Connect the device with PC
• MTK Flash will detect your device and it will flash the recovery
• If green circle appear it means flash is completed
• If the computer cannot be detected your device re install the drivers

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