Putra Software

Intel Chipset Device Software WHQL

Intel Chipset Manoeuvre Software, provides collection to the operative system of the straightlaced falsehood chipset for use of definite features, much as AGP, USB, primary reenforcement for PCI and ISA PnP. Installing the drivers indirect to the chipset (much as the graphics utility, the IDE bus, etc.) is fermentable only if the operative system is full certify this chipset. This Software Also Offers A set of overlook lie flags, Which Wage More Installation choices.

The Intel(R) Chipset Twist Software installs Windows* INF files to the reference method. These files bound to the operating method how to configure the Intel(R) chipset components in position to assure that the succeeding features answer right:

Sustain processor:
Intel® Xeon Phi® Processor x200 product origin
Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-4800/8800 v4 production kin
Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-4800/8800 v3 product sept
Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-4800/8800 v2 product household
Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-2600 v4 product phratry
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2600 v4 quantity blood
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2600 v3 production kinsfolk
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2600 v2 production unit
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1500 v5 creation folk
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v6 quantity tribe
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v5 creation descent
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v4 fluid sept
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v3 production home
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v2 creation ancestry
Intel® Xeon® Processor D-1500 product kin
3rd Gen Intel® Core® i7 processor creation lineage
4th Gen Intel® Core® i7 processor production parentage
5th Gen Intel® Core® i7 processor set association
6th Gen Intel® Core® i7 processor product kinsfolk
Intel® Atom™ Processor S1200 set lineage
Intel® Atom™ Processor C3000 quantity tribe
Intel® Atom™ Processor C2000 product unit
Intel® C610 programme chipset
Intel® C600 serial chipset
Intel® C230 program chipset folk
Intel® C220 broadcast chipset bloodline
Intel® C210 periodical chipset ancestry
Intel® C200 programme chipset descent
Intel® 100 serial chipset sept
Intel® X99 chipset phratry
Intel® X79 broadcast chipset family
Intel® 8 series chipset kinfolk
Intel® 7 serial chipset tribe
Intel® 6 program chipset home
Intel® Subject Chipset 8900 Series

- Ngo PCI and ISAPNP Services
- PCIe Connection
- IDE/ATA33/ATA66/ATA100 Hardware Reinforcement
- SATA Storage Livelihood
- USB Backing
- Determination of Intel(R) Chipset Components in
the Instrumentation Administrator

Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 7 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Computer 2008 R2 x64
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows 8 x64
Microsoft Windows Computer 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows 8.1 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Computer 2012 R2 x64
Microsoft Windows 10 x64

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