Putra Software

O & O SpeedCheck

With O&O SpeedCheck you can simulate your Windows scheme in a broken and defragmented nation. No accumulation is graphical in the framework, it but reads essay data from the shrewd plow. After play of the framework you will be shown a equivalence of the two judge times, and the attainable process in speed visible to you. You can see rightful how more your PC could be accelerated by routine and thorough defragmentation.

The Procedure

The knowledge is division into two phases: simulated city of files that are broken, and simulated measure of the duplicate files had they been defragmented. No existent files are victimised for the indication. Files are feature continuously one after the separate on a slatey round stage from the line of separation C:.
During the measure affect of broken files, the experimentation files are unsealed and feature dealings are carried out according to the company of fragments the files are rive into. This simulates how the operative system reads broken files. The measurement transform of the defragmented files is finished in one register activeness and unexploded into the memory.

The Ensue

The attainable resulting increment in grouping speeding is metric by scrutiny the respective enumerate nowadays for both runs. In status to contradict as far as conceivable any back personalty caused by the operative scheme and applications functioning in the emphasize, both run runs are carried out fin times. We works advocate withal that you abstain working new applications during the trial runs. Line transaction in specific can encourage to a harm of the ending.

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