Putra Software

Lighten Software PDF Converter OCR 5.2.0

Lighten PDF Converter OCR is the professional version of PDF Converter Master. It helps users easily convert PDF files into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CSV, plain text and image, and keep the original format as accurate as possible. With the advanced OCR feature, it will perform text recognition and extract text from the scanned PDF file. It is the most complete application of Lighten Software's product line of conversion, the best choice for office professionals, academic users and small businesses.

Convert PDF file to 6 other foramt documents
PDF is the most popular format for reading, archiving and distributing, while Office formats are essential for creating and editing content. Lighten PDF Converter OCR converts PDF files to popular Microsoft Office formats such as Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx), as well as plain text (.txt), CSV (.csv) and image .jpg). Save time and increase your productivity for your daily work!

Conserve look and feel accurately
PDF and Office are totally different document formats, Lighten PDF Converter OCR will do everything possible to keep the original content, format, designs and graphics as accurate as possible. It places tabular data in the right cell of the Excel spreadsheet, keeps the original appearance of the PDF file even complicated in the Word document and preserves the designs in PowerPoint, so you do not need to spend hours modifying the output file.

Recognize and extract scanned PDF text with OCR
PDF Converter OCR processes OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for PDF conversion. OCR will perform accurate text recognition so you can extract text content from the scanned PDF file. PDF Converter without OCR can only print the image instead of editable text content in output documents. OCR is available for 9 languages ​​including: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Polish and Dutch.

Convert PDF in an efficient and flexible way
Converting large PDF files at high speed, unlimited PDF file conversion support, can convert thousands of files at once. With customizable options, you can convert PDF files automatically or customize the output option. For example, you can customize the quality of the output image by converting PDF to Image, convert all pages to one sheet or different sheets in PDF to Excel conversion etc.

Other features:
1. Independent, does not require Microsoft Office and Adobe products installed.
2. Support PDF with copy and print restrictions;
3. Built-in PDF Reader lets you preview PDFs prior to conversion;
4. Convert unlimited PDFs at once.

System Requirements:
- OS:
- Microsoft Windows® 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP (all editions)
- Recommended hardware
- Processor: 2GHz processor
- RAM: 1G

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