Putra Software

Lighten PDF Converter Master 5.2.0

PDF is a real headache sometimes, especially when you want to make changes or copy the content to other document formats. Save yourself some time, let Lighten PDF Converter Master get the conversion work done. It can quickly convert PDF into 8 common document formats, including Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), image and plain text. Lighten PDF Converter Master is designed to save you precious time.

Main Features

Rich choice for output formats
• Lighten PDF Converter Master allows you to view and convert PDF files into 8 common document formats. You can convert PDF to Microsoft Word (.docx, .doc) for easy editing, copying and any other revision, or extract data to Excel (.xlsx) or csv for better data analysis performance, or present PDF to PowerPoint Presentation. Pptx). Also, if you just want plain text or image, .txt and .jpg is available. Actually, it's an 8-in-1 PDF Converter!
Convert PDF to Word
• Microsoft Word is one of the most popular document formats. Knowledge workers and students have to deal with a lot of PDF and Word documents every day. Switching between these two documents is a real nuisance.
• Lighten PDF Converter Master will convert PDF into Microsoft Word document (.docx), and our conversion will retain the original font style, color, images, format and layout of the PDF document, so it is not necessary to spend hours Adjusting the Output Documents.
Convert PDF to Excel
• Accountants, bankers, engineers, consultants and anyone else who deals with the data should try Lighten PDF Converter Master. If you have ever received a data entry job, you will know how tedious and slow it rewrites data from PDF to Excel. Lighten PDF Converter Master can extract PDF data quickly and export Excel (.xlsx, .csv). With powerful table detection and flexible output options, you can handle the most complex table data without problems. You can even manually check the areas of the table before conversion. PDF to Excel conversion focuses on data, can make fewer errors and save more power.
Convert PDF to PowerPoint
• Have you noticed that the presenter loves to convert the presentation into PDF for distribution? With Lighten PDF Converter Master, you can recover PowerPoint (.pptx) PDF effortlessly. PDF to PowerPoint conversion will preserve the original designs, content and graphics well. Reusing the presentation can not be easier.
Convert PDF to Plain Text and Image
• Normal text can be useful at times, especially when reusing only text content. In some cases, people would love to receive plain text files as email attachments. Everyone can read, everyone can open. You can choose the image (.jpg) as output format when you have a document based on the PDF images, you can adjust the output quality for a smaller file size.
Embedded PDF reader
• Lighten PDF Converter Master is also an extremely lightweight PDF reader and rendering speed is much faster than many PDF readers available in the market. Simply import as many PDF files as you want into the file list, the built-in PDF reader will display the selected PDF file instantly.

Other features
• Convert unlimited PDF files at the same time;
• PDF support with copy and print restrictions;
• Flexible output options for different output formats, meet all your conversion needs;
• Convert large PDF files with thousands of pages without problem;
• Extremely fast, it takes only one minute to convert a 100-page file;
• Support all versions of Microsoft Office.

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