KMP has required codecs built-in.
• Enjoy medias without installing codecs separately.
• KMP supports both built-in and 3rd party codecs.
• KMP’s built-in codec is faster and reliable because it process internally.
• The current built-in codec supports all ffdshow codecs and also codecs that ffdshow doesn’t support such as MPEG1, 2.
• Features audio codecs (AC3, MPEG1, 2, AAC, WMA 7, 8 etc.).
• Matrix/normalizer options through built-in voice codec.
• Through KMP’s built-in codecs, you can enjoy all major media formats.
• KMP additionally supports 3rd party codecs for users that doesn’t use the built-in codec and also doesn’t install the codecs on the computer like other codecs do. Most public codec packs+players forces to install the codec on your computer, while KMP does not. This means that installing KMP will not affect your computer at all.