Putra Software

Subtitle Edit 3.5.7 Multilingual Free Version

Subtitle Edit (SE) adalah editor untuk sub judul video - editor subtitle yang hebat. Dengan SE Anda dapat dengan mudah menyesuaikan subjudul jika tidak sinkron dengan video dan banyak lagi. Untuk daftar fitur lihat di bawah atau lihat halaman Edit Edit Subtitle. Selain itu, Anda dapat menonton beberapa video tentang pemasangan dan penggunaan Edit Subtitle. Dny238 telah menulis tutorial bagus tentang Syncing Subtitle Edit :)


* Create/adjust/sync/translate subtitle lines
* Convert between SubRib, MicroDVD, Substation Alpha, SAMI, youtube sbv, and many more
* Video player uses DirectShow or VLC media player
* Visually sync/adjust a subtitle (start/end position and speed)
* Auto Translation via Google translate or Microsoft Bing Translate
* Rip subtitles from a (decrypted) dvd
* Import and OCR VobSub sub/idx binary subtitles (can use Tesseract via Tessnet2)
* Can open subtitles embedded inside matroska files
* Can read and write UTF-8 and other unicode files (besides ANSI)
* Sync: Show texts earlier/later
* Merge/split
* Adjust display time
* Fix common errors wizard
* Spell checking via Open Office dictionaries/NHunspell (many dictionaries available)
* Remove text for hear impaired (HI)
* Renumbering
* Swedish to danish translation built-in (via Multi Translator Online)
* Effects: Typewriter and karoake
* History/undo manager
* Compare subtitles
* Multiple search and replace
* Change casing using names dictionary


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