Putra Software

WonderFox DVD Video Converter 14.5 Full Version

Want to enjoy a complete movie night with your family instead of waiting long time for conversion? WonderFox DVD Video Converter is the best choice, which provides one-stop total solution to Rip DVDs (Disney, Paramount, Sony Included), Convert videos, Download online videos, Edit and Play movies/video with excellent performance.

New Features:

Perfectly Match the Resolution of iPhone 6
Now iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus give us 1334*750 and 1920*1080 resolutions with a 4.7 inch screen and 5.5 inch screen. Bigger screen, better visual effect. There’s nothing better than watching DVD blockbusters on large-screen mobile phone!

Better High-definition Movie Viewing Experience
The pixel density per inch of iPhone 6 has reached 326ppi and the entire screen contains more than one million pixels. The values of iPhone 6 Plus touched 401ppi per inch, and over 200 million pixels in the screen, more than 185% of iPhone 5S’s. It has no precedent in history. Apple called the new screen resolutions “Retina HD”, under which users can have a near perfect watching experience with iPhone 6.

Overview of WonderFox DVD Video Converter
WonderFox DVD Video Converter is a powerful all-in-one program. It provides one-stop total solution to rip DVDs (released by Disney, Paramount, Sony, etc), convert video, download online video, edit and play movies/video with excellent performance.


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