Putra Software

Solid Scan to Word 9.2.8186.2652 Multilingual Full Version

Solid Scan to Word is a comprehensive and efficient software solution developed to help you transform non-editable text files, such as Portable Document Format files, scans or even images, to Microsoft Word-compatible items.

- PDF to Word Converter - Convert your PDF files to Word documents for easy editing.
- Scan to Word - Scan directly from paper to well formatted, editable Word documents using Solid OCR.

Simple and user-friendly usage
Subsequent to a brief and fairly uneventful installation process, you can launch the program and begin working with it right away, as its straightforward looks make it suitable for people of all levels of experience.

The main window of Solid Scan to Word lets you load the file that you need to process using the ribbon buttons, being able to ‘Import PDF’ or ‘Import Image’, as well as scan a document and add the generated picture to the application.

Load the source images or PDFs and convert them to DOCX or RTF
Among the files supported by the utility are not only Portable Document Format items, but also TIF, TIFF, JPG and PNG, allowing you to work with almost any file you may need. However, once opened, these are not displayed in full size and you can only view a thumbnail, as there is no zoom function available.

Furthermore, provided that a scanning device is connected to the host computer, Solid Scan to Word is capable of grabbing the picture generated by the scanner and display it in the main screen, also performing Optical Character Recognition to identify and convert its contents.

In terms of output preferences, the program can export the files to RTF or DOCX format, having a series of adjustable options at your disposal. This way, you can select the ‘Reconstruction Mode’ (flowing, continuous or exact) as well as decide how to deal with headers and footers, annotated text and tables.

A handy OCR tool for non-editable files
Overall, Solid Scan to Word proves to be a useful and intuitive application that can successfully help you obtain editable documents out of images or PDFs, all while saving you significant time and effort by performing most of the hard work automatically.


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