Putra Software

IDPhotoStudio Multilingual

IDPhotoStudio is a very easy to use yet powerful application designed to help you adjust images to fit ID sizes for multiple countries across the globe, including Argentina, Austria, Canada, Hungary and Peru. The interface is just simple and that's the ace up its sleeve, as the application can be used by all types of users, be they beginners or more experienced ones. Everything's straightforward, so the main window hosts the necessary tools for picking the country whose ID sizes you wish to use to adjust your photo, the number of pictures to be printed and a simple rotate tool for basic editing.

And speaking of editing, there's no other feature for editing the photo, not even a crop or a resize utility. The rotating feature we were talking about is the only tool you get in this regard.
Other than that, IDPhotoStudio provides a dedicated “Options” button which is nothing more than a printer configuration tool, giving you the power to prepare the project for printing.
There are two different effects that can be applied to any photo, grayscale and sepia, both looking great and serving as a simple way to better fit the image to the ID.

Besides the fact that it supports so many ID sizes, IDPhotoStudio also comes with several built-in languages, which means you can also use the app in Chinese, Dutch, Romanian, Catalan or Arabic.
Obviously, IDPhotoStudio can work on any Windows workstation out there, with a minimum footprint on hardware resources.
Overall, this is quite a great utility and although it doesn't boast so many features, it still serves its purpose pretty well, while targeting both beginners and more experienced users.


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