Putra Software

Drive SnapShot Full Version

Drive Snapshot creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file, including the operating system, installed programs, your data and all security attributes - while windows is running and you continue to work. Drive Snapshot it allows you to backup your partition or your hard disk drive and it also can create a disk image of your system. If disaster strikes (a virus, trojan, or hard disk crash), a complete and exact restauration of your system will be possible in only few minutes. The image file can be mounted as a virtual drive, so you can easily restore (or use) single files or directories, using the Windows Explorer, or other program.

key features :

  • Create Disk Image Backups, while running Windows
  • There is no restart (to DOS) necessary. Never.
  • Continue your work, while the Backup is in progress
  • The new Snapshot technology ensures, that all data are consistent, and reflect the PC's data at the start of backup. There are no difficulties with opened files. Never.
  • This enables a very fast and easy way to backup servers and other computers, that must run 24 hours a day.
  • Easy Use and Restore of single Files or directories
  • Drive Snapshot creates a virtual drive, containing all your drives data. You may use, compare, or restore these files directly from the Disk Image file.
  • This works with any program of your choice, including (of course) the Windows Explorer
  • Complete Restore of a disk in case of Disaster
  • If a disk is restored to it's original state, it will be exactly the same as at the time of Backup - byte for byte.
  • Restoring a system partition will require DOS; other drives can be restored using Windows
  • Compatible to all Windows file systems (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS)
  • Compatible to all Windows RAID Methods
  • Very easy and comprehensive command line interface
  • This makes automation of regular tasks a breeze.



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