Convert and synchronize databases from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server or Windows Azure SQL databases both efficiently and easily. Automatic conversion of views from Oracle to MSSQL is easily performed with DBConvert, even without any knowledge of the differences between SQL dialects. Additionally, any server access restrictions may be overcome simply by creating dump files instead of relying on direct connections to your target database.
Data migrations between Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Windows Azure SQL Databases are possible in any combination.
DBConvert for Oracle and MS SQL Server easily handles huge databases and tables. A clear, easy-to-use wizard interface helps you to move the whole database or only your selected tables, indexes and foreign keys effortlessly.
Our software comes with a built-in scheduler, so you can run database migration and synchronization jobs at specified times. Just define the schedule date and time and our program will automatically execute sessions in the background.
Different types of synchronizations are also available for keeping your databases up-to-date.
Product Highlights
Oracle 10.x.x. / Oracle XE (Express Edition) located on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows machines
Amazon RDS Oracle DB Instance support
Saving data into an Oracle Dump for export to Oracle database
ODBC Oracle and Oracle client are not required
Views conversion from Oracle to MS SQL and MySQL and back support
Saving data into a MS SQL Dump for export to MS SQL database
Oracle Server version 10.0 and higher support
Amazon RDS SQL Server DB Instance support
Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features
MS SQL Server (Express) 2000/2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/2014, SQL Azure support
Ability to select TCP/IP, PIPE, IPX/SPX communications protocols
Views conversion from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle and back support
Bi-directional synchronization between MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL
MS SQL schemes support
Interface languages
English German French Spanish Italian Danish Chinese Russian Portuguese Polish Greek Bahasa
Product Requirements
Necessary privileges to write into database on the target Oracle server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)
Necessary privileges to write into database on the target MS SQL server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)
DBConvert for Oracle and MS SQL 2.1.2 Multilingual Full Version
By Unknown at 31.12.17
Development, software
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