Putra Software

CPU-Z 1.82.1 + Portable

CPU-Z is a software that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system. Find out everything about your computer you ever wanted to know with this program that gives you information such as processor name and vendor, core stepping and process, processor package, internal and external clocks, clock multiplier, partial overclock detection, and processor features including supported instructions sets. This program supports detection of the processor's core voltage, L2 bus width, support for two processors (in Windows NT/2000 only), and memory timing (CAS Latency, RAS to CAS, RAS Precharge).

* Name and number.
* Core stepping and process.
* Package.
* Core voltage.
* Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier.
* Supported instructions sets.
* Cache information.

* Vendor, model and revision.
* BIOS model and date.
* Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
* Graphic interface.

* Frequency and timings.
* Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.


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