Putra Software

VidMasta 24.1 Multilingual

Menemukan dan menonton film secara online adalah aktivitas yang menarik lebih banyak pengguna, cukup alasan bagi pengembang untuk menghadirkan aplikasi khusus yang dapat memfasilitasi akses terhadap sumber daya semacam itu. Di antara pilihan teratas dalam kategorinya, VidMasta mencoba melangkah lebih jauh dan memberikan sedikit lebih banyak daripada fungsi pencarian dan tampilan. Sebuah program komprehensif, yang mengemas banyak fitur dalam antarmuka yang agak sederhana, perangkat lunak khusus ini adalah tentang film, serial televisi dan unduhan cepat. Fitur pencarian menawarkan pengguna kemampuan untuk memilih di samping judul, jenis tertentu, rating, tanggal rilis dan juga memilih genre. Semua kriteria ini bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan hasil yang paling dekat dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi pengguna.

  • Watch or download movie and television titles in any format (TV, DVD, 720p, 1080i/p) with as few as two clicks of the mouse. The first click is to hit the search button. The second click is to hit the download button.
  • Anonymity via automatic filtering of untrusty IPs, the use of proxies, and encryption
  • "Deep Search, Best Source" algorithm for superior video download links. The algorithm aggregates all potential download links based on variations of the search query and then selects the best link based on factors that include trustworthiness, number of downloaders and uploaders, and video file size.
  • "Popular Movies" option to display recent movies that have been downloaded the most
  • "Popular TV Shows" option to display recent TV shows that have been downloaded the most
  • Download video subtitles
  • Set the number of results per search
  • Set the minimum and maximum size of a video file that can be downloaded
  • Set the video file extensions that can be downloaded
  • Search for movie and television titles by name, release date, genre, rating, country, and language
  • Automatic ordering of search results by popularity
  • Hear and read small summaries of titles
  • View trailers of titles
  • View release dates and ratings of titles
  • Email download links and trailer links
  • Detection of video box sets
  • PeerBlock integration (only available for Windows XP and higher)