Putra Software

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 8.15 Build 125 + Cracked

Syncovery memberi Anda aplikasi intuitif yang dirancang untuk mem- backup file dan folder penting Anda serta melakukan sinkronisasi antar perangkat yang berbeda. Dengan kecepatan yang disempurnakan, dan alat penjadwalan, ini dapat memastikan bahwa data Anda aman setiap saat.

Antarmuka yang mudah dinavigasi

Kemudahan penggunaan adalah salah satu keunggulan aplikasi dan antarmuka tidak terkecuali. Selain itu, 'Mode Wizard' dapat memandu pengguna pemula melalui langkah untuk menjalankan atau sinkronisasi, sementara 'Mode Tingkat Lanjut' dirancang untuk pengguna profesional.

Anda dapat membuat beberapa profil cadangan, mengonfigurasi mereka secara terpisah. Ada beberapa mode sinkronisasi. Memilih metode 'Menyalin Standar' berarti bahwa Syncovery hanya melakukan operasi penyalinan, tanpa menghapus file apa pun.

Mode 'SmartTracking' dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan sinkronisasi dua arah, sedangkan mode 'Ekstrak Mirror' menciptakan salinan persis dari folder sumber.

Menjadwalkan dan menjalankan banyak tugas

Syncovery hadir dengan kemampuan penjadwalan, memungkinkan Anda untuk menjalankan backup data dan sinkronisasi pada waktu yang nyaman, saat mematikan atau log-off. Penjadwal dapat meluncurkan beberapa tugas secara bersamaan dan juga dapat dijalankan sebagai layanan. Selama proses pencadangan atau sinkronisasi, file yang dipindahkan secara otomatis terdeteksi dan 'Volume Shadow Service' digunakan untuk menyalin file yang dikunci (digunakan oleh aplikasi lain), tanpa memengaruhi integritas file.

Versi file memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan versi file yang lebih lama di dalam cadangan, sementara fitur 'Block Level Copying' memungkinkan Anda melakukan backup diferensial dan inkremental, untuk mempercepat proses.

fitur kompresi Syncovery file dan enkripsi dan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur jumlah maksimum simultan dan profil per proses, jumlah memori maksimum yang akan digunakan, serta memodifikasi prioritas thread dan menetapkan batas kecepatan. Wisaya pemulihan dapat membantu Anda mendekripsi cadangan dan mengambil file.

FTP, SSH, WebDAV, SSL, Amazon S3, Azure, Google Docs dan dukungan HTTP, opsi manajemen file usang, catatan tindakan, pemberitahuan real-time dan e-mail adalah keuntungan lain dari aplikasi ini.

Sinkronisasi data dan cadangan

Untuk menyimpulkan, Syncovery dilengkapi dengan seperangkat alat lengkap untuk membuat cadangan file dan folder dengan cepat dan aman, serta melakukan sinkronisasi data antara komputer, server, dan aplikasi penyimpanan online.

  • Synchronizes Files and complete folder structures in different locations, such as a PC and a laptop. 64-bit I/O ensures that files sizes greater than 4GB are supported.
  • Save complete sets of option settings as Profiles, with instant access to all saved settings. You can even Run Multiple Profiles with one command.
  • Detect Moved Files. If you reorganized your folders by moving files to different locations, the Super Flexible File Synchronizer will detect this and quickly perform the same moves, for example, on your laptop. No extraneous copying!
  • With Scheduler. Schedule the synchronization of your data on a backup hard disk at a convenient time each day or as frequently as you wish.
  • Smart and Flexible. If some files cannot be copied due to other software accessing these files, the synchronizer will continue copying the remaining files, and then retry all those files that were locked, until all files have been copied successfully. A limit for the time spent on retries can be specified. However, during the retry phase, the synchronizer uses only minimal CPU resources.
  • Keep Multiple Backup Versions Of Each File (optional) This feature doesn't overwrite the backup files but renames them, until a selectable number of different backup versions is reached. You can also specify where to put these older backup versions (in the same folder as the original, or in a subfolder thereof, or in just one subfolder for the complete profile).
  • Database-Aware. A special technique prevents any data corruption when copying database files, including SQL server database files. The synchronizer will wait with the copying until it has totally exclusive access to the file. During the copying process, the database server will not be able to work with the file. So, a prerequisite for using this software as a backup tool for database files is that they are occasionally not used (for example, at night).
  • Can Use Recycle Bin for older versions of files that are overwritten. This is a fairly unique feature because most programs will permanently replace older versions of a file. Using Super Flexible File Synchronizer, you will have a chance of retrieving overwritten files if you select the appropriate options.
  • Multiple File Masks (Inclusion and Exclusion) File Masks are transparently (and swiftly!) processed. Even if you specify redundant file masks, there will be no strange side effects.
  • Select Base Folder Items. Want to synchronize only some folders? No need for separate runs for each folder. Just specify the base folder containing these folders, and then choose "Only Selected Items From Base Folders...".
  • Minimize Load Using Obsolete File Folders. If you occasionally move obsolete files to a specially designated folder, this usually causes trouble with traditional file synchronizers. They will copy the obsolete files back from your laptop right into the folders where you moved them out of. No longer! If you use the Select Base Folder Items option described above, you can place a grayed checkmark next to each folder for obsolete files. These folders are then taken into account for moving files into them, but not for copying files out. Thus, the synchronizer does the same moving of obsolete files on your laptop that you previously did on the PC, but it does not waste any time copying all obsolete files between the two machines.
  • No More Trouble With Daylight Savings Time Since exact 1-hour time differences can be ignored if the file size matches, you won't have any more problems if the file systems of two computers are off by one hour. If this is true only for some files, fine! The ignoring of the offset is done in a flexible way rather than adding a fixed number to the hours on one side.
  • Easy Resuming On Disk Full. You simply make more space and ask the software to continue copying. It can pause right in the middle of a file until additional space is freed.
  • Unattended Mode. In this mode, no questions are asked. You can specify beforehand which kinds of files may be overwritten.
  • Optionally Create Exact Mirrors. If desired, you can optionally create an exact mirror of your data, even if this means that some files are deleted or replaced with older files.

  • RAM 128MB


DOWNLOAD LINK : Syncovery Pro Enterprise / Premium 8.15 Build 125 + Cracked

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