Putra Software

DAEMON Tools Ultra Multilingual Full Version

DAEMON Tools Ultra adalah perangkat lunak pencitraan paling canggih, canggih dan canggih yang pernah ada. daftar kemungkinan bekerja dengan drive virtual, membuat bootable USB-stick untuk pemulihan sistem operasi, gunakan disk RAM untuk mempercepat PC Anda dan mengevaluasi Inisiator iSCSI unik yang memungkinkan koneksi ke perangkat USB.

Anda dapat mendownload aplikasi ini secara gratis plus beserta crack, patch, serial, atau keygen yang terdapat di dalam rar. anda tinggal menggunakan crack tersebut untuk aktivasi supaya software tersebut menjadi full version, dengan begitu anda dapat merasakan fitur-fitur pro atau berbayar secara gratis.

Untuk lebih jelas anda dapat melihat daftar fitur aplikasi ini di bawah ini, dan untuk link download-nya terdapat di bawah artikel ini, terdapat 2 atau tiga host di antara-nya download melalui userscloud, dailyuploads, dan mirror upload ( mirrorcreator.com, multiup.org), selamat mencoba ya sob, mudah2-an aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.

Cutting-edge imaging tools
  • Mount all types of image files including virtual hard disks and more
  • Create virtual images from discs, files and audio tracks
  • Emulate the unlimited number of DT, SCSI, IDE and HDD virtual drives
  • Edit, convert, compress, split, protect and burn images

  • Multitasking: Run more than one wizard simultaneously to reduce time
  • Portable mode: Use DAEMON Tools Ultra wherever you want without installation
  • Windows Vista/7 Gadget: Manage your virtual drives and program settings from your desktop
  • GameSpace: Get an extra info about images you mount. Be in touch with the latest news of gaming industry

Virtual Burner
  • Create Writable Virtual Drive and burn files to images instead of discs
  • Use Writable Virtual Drive with DAEMON Tools Ultra or any other applications
  • Test your custom CD/DVDs before burning them to optical discs
  • Minimize wear and tear of physical devices

Bootable USB devices (New)
  • Write bootable images to USB devices in a few clicks
  • Create a fast, reusable, durable and handy device for OS recovery
  • Setup OS on laptops without drives easily and quickly
  • Try both Linux and Windows recovery USB flash drives

RAM disks
  • Create and mount virtual RAM disks that use a block of memory
  • Keep your temporary files in the fastest storage to get the highest performance
  • Forget about hard disk fragmentation caused by undeleted temporary files
  • Evaluate the benefits of both volatile and persistent RAM disks

VHDs and TrueCrypt files
- Create, mount and adjust different types of virtual hard disks
- Back up your data and host more than one OS on your PC
- Use TrueCrypt containers to protect the most sensitive data
- Mount TrueCrypt and VHD files created in other applications

iSCSI and USB sharing
  • Use the upgraded iSCSI protocol to connect to USB devices
  • Work with remote VHDs, images, USB and optical drives
  • Connect to DAEMON Tools iSCSI Target or third-party servers

System Requirements:
  • Windows 10 Anniversary 32-bit / 64-bit 4.0 or later
  • Windows 10 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows 8 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
  • Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows Vista 32-bit / 64-bit up to 4.0
  • Windows XP SP3 32-bit / SP2 64-bit up to 4.0


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