Wise Duplicate Finder sebuah alat manajemen file duplikat yang dapat membantu Anda menemukan dan menghapus file duplikat dengan membandingkan nama file, ukuran file atau isi. Singkirkan duplikat yang menjengkelkan dan bebaskan lebih banyak ruang pada hard disk Anda.
Anda dapat mendownload aplikasi ini secara gratis plus beserta crack, patch, serial, atau keygen yang terdapat di dalam rar. anda tinggal menggunakan crack tersebut untuk aktivasi supaya software tersebut menjadi full version, dengan begitu anda dapat merasakan fitur-fitur pro atau berbayar secara gratis.
Untuk lebih jelas anda dapat melihat daftar fitur aplikasi ini di bawah ini, dan untuk link download-nya terdapat di bawah artikel ini, terdapat 2 atau tiga host di antara-nya download melalui userscloud, dailyuploads, dan mirror upload ( mirrorcreator.com, multiup.org), selamat mencoba ya sob, mudah2-an aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.
Fitur Dan Rincian
Manage Any Type of Duplicates
We download a lot of documents, photos, songs and movies in our daily life. As time goes on, they will fill up your hard drive. You find yourself frequently running out of disk space. Wise Duplicate Finder can help you locate and remove unnecessary duplicates, free up your disk space. You can choose any type of duplicates to manage with Wise Duplicate Finder.
Find Empty Files
After cleaning out files on your hard drive, you may be left with a bunch of empty files or zero size files you want to delete. Rather than finding them manually, wouldn’t it be easier to use a tool that can find them for you and delete them?
Delete Duplicate Copies Manually or Automatically
After the scan process is finished the program shows all the duplicated files in groups. Wise Duplicate Finder gives you full control to remove duplicates. You can go through the search results and decide which copies to delete. But if you have a large amount of copies, it will take you a long time to select. So let the program save one automatically.
Backup and Restore
Never worry about losing the wrong file by mistake. If you delete files by mistake, you can always use the restore function to recover it. Wise Duplicate Finder lets you bring them back in a click.
Wise Duplicate Finder Pro 1.21.23 Multilingual Full Version
By Unknown at 19.5.17
software, System Tools
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