Putra Software

MediaGet 2.01.3726 Multilingual Portable

Protokol Bittorrent telah mendapatkan banyak keuntungan di antara pengguna komputer, karena kecepatan download meningkat melalui teknologi peer-to-peer, namun juga banyaknya pengguna yang menjadi fitur. Alat tersebut adalah MediaGet, sebuah aplikasi intuitif yang menawarkan kemungkinan untuk mencari file torrent dan mendownloadnya dengan mudah.

Anda dapat mendownload aplikasi ini secara gratis plus beserta crack, patch, serial, atau keygen yang terdapat di dalam rar. anda tinggal menggunakan crack tersebut untuk aktivasi supaya software tersebut menjadi full version, dengan begitu anda dapat merasakan fitur-fitur pro atau berbayar secara gratis.

Untuk lebih jelas anda dapat melihat daftar fitur aplikasi ini di bawah ini, dan untuk link download-nya terdapat di bawah artikel ini, terdapat 2 atau tiga host di antara-nya download melalui userscloud, dailyuploads, dan mirror upload ( mirrorcreator.com, multiup.org), selamat mencoba ya sob, mudah2-an aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.


Easy-to-use well-organized search will allow you to search files according to various categories. Use the advanced search if you want to set up individual parameters of search results.

Search Tab:
Easy-to-use well-organized search will allow you to search files according to various categories. Use the advanced search if you want to set up individual parameters of search results.
Just imagine that all the latest movies, music, games and software are in one place! Easy-to-use search with ability to filtrate results according to various criteria will help you to find exactly want you need.

Just imagine that all the latest movies, music, games and software are in one place! Easy-to-use search with ability to filtrate results according to various criteria will help you to find exactly want you need.
Embedded multi-format media player MediaGet will allow you listening to music and watching movies you chose online before their download is complete. Just press Play.

Media player:
Embedded multi-format media player MediaGet will allow you listening to music and watching movies you chose online before their download is complete. Just press Play.
Easy to adjust pass band, fast recovery of interrupted download, serial torrent integration.

Downloads Tab:
Easy to adjust pass band, fast recovery of interrupted download, serial torrent integration.
When you download music and video they are instantly added to your media database. You can sort your collection in any way you like. Just enter a file name or a name of the artist in the search field to find a certain file. Results will appear already when you type in the request.

Media Database:
When you download music and video they are instantly added to your media database. You can sort your collection in any way you like. Just enter a file name or a name of the artist in the search field to find a certain file. Results will appear already when you type in the request.

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