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Key Features
- Compares text files, binary files, and directories.
- Performs three-way diff and merge.
- Highlights differences down to the level of lines, words or characters.
- Highlights document syntax.
- Fuzzy line matching.
- Ability to recognize moved text blocks.
- Automated directory synchronization.
- Line Inspector panel for easy recognition of differences within lines.
- Ability to add manual synchronization points to text file comparison.
- Compares directly from Windows Explorer.
- Allows file editing within file comparison panes.
- Allows copying, renaming, and deleting files or directories.
- Saves the file differences in a standard UNIX DIFF file or to a dynamic HTML web page.
- Prints and print previews diff reports.
- Easy navigation through the differences.
- Advanced Search features.
- Drag and drop support.
- Advanced Ignore options, for ignoring capitalization, white space, programming-language comments, and more.
- Word wrapping.
- Plug-in support.
- Drag and drop support.
- Can create directory snapshot