Putra Software

Evorim Free Firewall (x86/x64) Multilingual

Firewall gratis adalah firewall profesional berfitur lengkap yang melindungi dari ancaman Internet. Kontrol setiap program di komputer Anda dengan izin atau menolak akses ke Internet. Firewall Gratis akan memberitahu Anda jika aplikasi ingin mengakses Internet di latar belakang, tanpa sepengetahuan Anda. Dalam mode Paranoid, tidak ada perangkat lunak yang dapat mengakses di Internet atau jaringan, tanpa persetujuan Anda sebelumnya. Anda memiliki kontrol penuh atas aliran data dari sistem Anda dan masuk.

  • Protection against external threats - Prevent the attacker to get access to your computer by exploiting security vulnerabilities. Protect yourself from a remote access and control of your system and access to your personal information.
  • Protection against internal threats - Protect yourself, your privacy and your personal data, by preventing the intruded malware from access to the Internet. Prevent that viruses and worms spread on the network.
  • Regulate internet traffic - Individually regulate the access to the network and Internet per application. Allow access to the Internet only those programs, you unconditionally trust.
  • Access notification - If a non-regulated program wants to access the Internet, you will receive immediately a notification with which you can permit or block the Internet access.
  • Paranoid mode - Trust no one! In Paranoid mode, no software can access on the Internet or network, without your prior consent. Only applications which you trust get Internet access.
  • Credulous mode - Are you a credulous person? You have no fear about your privacy? In Credulous mode, all applications will have access to the Internet or network until you explicitly prohibit it.


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