Putra Software

UltraUXThemePatcher 3.2.1

UltraUXThemePatcher memodifikasi file sistem Anda menjadi 3 tema. Anda dapat men-download tema Windows dari pihak ketiga dan mengaktifkan mereka. backup file sistem dan semua perubahan dapat dibatalkan dengan menghapus jika Anda memiliki masalah.


  • Wizard-like interface - You can use this application if you want to personalize your system in a wide variety of manners, by applying third-party visual styles or custom themes, according to your preferences.
  • Effortless installation - UltraUXThemePatcher can help you unlock your system's customization capabilities by patching a series of files on your computer, “Uxtheme.dll”, “Themeui.dll” and “Uxinit.dll”. This process can be accomplished without difficulty, as you are only required to follow a series of on-screen instructions.
  • Easily restore your original files - If you want to restore the patched items to their original state, you do not need to perform any manual operation. During the patching, this tool creates backups of your documents and restoring them can be quickly achieved by uninstalling the application.


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