TweakBit PC Repair 1.5.0 Full Version
By Unknown at 25.4.17
software, System Tool
TweakBit PC Repair adalah paket lengkap untuk masalah PC Anda dan DIAGNOSIS sistem Windows Anda. Karena diagnosisnya adalah setengah dari perbaikan. Perbaikan PC menjalankan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap keseluruhan sistem untuk menemukan file sampah, mengurangi kecepatan dan penyebab kesalahan sistem atau aplikasi atau kerusakan.
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CLEANS out junk files
A clean PC means better efficiency
We designed the cleaning module in PC Repair to sweep out all types of PC junk, such as unneeded system and user temporary files, web browser cache, unused error logs, leftover Windows Update files, temporary Sun Java files, unneeded Microsoft Office cache and a lot more. It helps reclaim gigabytes of hard disk space on an average PC.
RESTORES system stability
Errors and crashes are a thing of the past
Like an experienced surgeon, PC Repair employs precision tools to carefully remove corrupt keys and invalid entries from the Windows registry taking care not to damage anything vital. We have tested our software ensuring that it repairs the causes of most errors and crashes to restore smooth and stable performance with no side effects.
IMPROVES computer speed
Everything on your PC works faster
PC Repair tweaks non-optimal system settings to help most processes and operations go at a faster pace. It adjusts internet connection settings to ensure smooth browsing, faster downloads and better audio/video call quality. We want you to have a great PC experience, so we included tools to speed up every aspect of your PC’s operation.
PROTECTS your privacy
Your system is more secure from hackers
Most of us are concerned about personal information getting into the wrong hands. When you enter passwords or credit card details, this data is saved on your hard drive, invisible to you, but easy prey for a skilled hacker. We included privacy tools that help eliminate traces of your activity and safeguard your sensitive personal information.
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