Putra Software

Stardock ShadowFX 1.2 Full Version

Tambahkan bayangan ke Windows dengan beralih ke aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda tampil dengan gaya yang dapat Anda sesuaikan sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Jika Anda mencari perangkat lunak ringan yang memungkinkan Anda mencoba membuat tweak visual ke sistem Anda, gunakan ShadowFX

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Untuk lebih jelas anda dapat melihat daftar fitur aplikasi ini di bawah ini, dan untuk link download-nya terdapat di bawah artikel ini, terdapat 2 atau tiga host di antara-nya download melalui userscloud, dailyuploads, dan mirror upload ( mirrorcreator.com, multiup.org), selamat mencoba ya sob, mudah2-an aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.


  • Helps you add drop shadows to your windows : First and foremost, it is worth mentioning that, following an uneventful setup, the program prompts you with a minimalist GUI, which any user should get accustomed to without difficulty.
  • Comes with both predefined and customizable shadow effects : You should know that you can notice the modifications in real time, with all the changes being applied instantly. However, even though there is no way to preview them and only subsequently decide which one suits your needs, it must be pointed out that opting for the standard OS shadows can always be done, reverting all aforementioned modifications.
  • Handy tool enhancing your system’s appearance : On an ending note, ShadowFX is a handy desktop enhancement tool that helps you add drop shadows to your windows, providing you with a default design compilation as well as the possibility of making the visual modifications that are to your own liking.


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