Putra Software

Reg Organizer 7.80 Multilingual Full Version

Reg Organizer® adalah aplikasi kaya fitur yang dirancang untuk mengedit, membersihkan dan menjaga registri, memperbaiki kesalahan dalam sistem, dan meningkatkan kinerja komputer. Fitur pencarian registri yang memungkinkan Anda menemukan semua registri key yang terkait dengan aplikasi tertentu.

Program ini akan sangat membantu Anda untuk mengedit file registry (reg) dan melihat konten secara langsung dari Windows Explorer. Ada juga fitur built-in uninstaller aplikasi, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menghapus aplikasi dari sistem.

Anda dapat mendownload aplikasi ini secara gratis plus beserta crack, patch, serial, atau keygen yang terdapat di dalam rar. anda tinggal menggunakan crack tersebut untuk aktivasi supaya software tersebut menjadi full version, dengan begitu anda dapat merasakan fitur-fitur pro atau berbayar secara gratis.

Untuk lebih jelas anda dapat melihat daftar fitur aplikasi ini di bawah ini, dan untuk link download-nya terdapat di bawah artikel ini, terdapat 2 atau tiga host di antara-nya download melalui userscloud, dailyuploads, dan mirror upload ( mirrorcreator.com, multiup.org), selamat mencoba ya sob, mudah2-an aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.

Main Features
  • Registry editor for viewing and editing the system registry, manipulating the registry keys and values, exporting, importing, copying them, etc.
  • The registry cleaner of Reg Organizer can detect many types of registry errors. These include searching the registry for invalid references to files, folders and DLLs; invalid uninstallation data; finding obsolete and invalid file extensions and other issues. Reg Organizer can repair many of these registry problems.
  • Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certain application and delete them, if necessary. This feature can be useful if you manually delete some application that has no uninstall feature. In this case its keys can be left in the registry interfering with the normal operation of other programs. Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find even those keys, that wouldn't be identified by other similar programs.
  • Defragmenting and compressing the registry: Increase the performance of the registry and consequently the overall performance of your system.
  • Ablilty to change many undocumented Windows settings (tweaks). In particular, it can accelerate the work of your system by sending the system a command to increase cache memory size or by unloading unused libraries, etc.
  • Ability to get information about any selected registry key and monitor changes of the specific keys.
  • Preview of the registry files (*.reg) before adding their contents to the system registry. The files can be viewed directly from Windows Explorer. Reg Organizer presents the file contents in the tree-like form, helping to visualize all keys that will be imported into the registry.
  • Functional registry file editor, allowing you to edit keys and values, add and delete data containing in the .reg files.
  • Provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Reg Organizer, you can inspect, edit, or disable such programs.
  • Registry search and replace mode offers you a variety of options for searching the registry and replacing the records matching the specified criteria.
  • Built-in software uninstaller. It can take snapshots before and after application installs and eradicate ALL system changes made by an app like it was never installed. Besides, this feature can be used for displaying changes made by the application to each of the system components.
  • Disk Cleanup tool lets you automatically remove unnecessary files from the hard drive of your computer, and to search for and fix invalid shortcuts.


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