Putra Software

Hardwipe Free 5.2.1

Hardwipe is a useful and reliable tool designed to assist you in deleting unwanted files from your computer. It is works like a document shredder for your computer.The application erases file contents and cleans unused hard-disk space to prevent personal and business information from ever being recovered.Hardwipe provides a slick user interface that integrates seamlessly with Windows Explorer so that you can simply right-click to wipe files, clean hard-disks and USB sticks.

  • Easily wipe entire drives and portable devices.
  • Wipe individual files or clean empty drive space of remanent data.
  • Right-click within Windows Explorer for Hardwipe commands.
  • Clear the computer swap-file*.
  • Wipe the contents of the Recycle Bin*.
  • Efficient — Hardwipe is fast in comparison other data wiping software.
  • Intelligent use of disk cache allows your computer to remain responsive during lengthy disk operations.
  • Automatic computer shutdown when wiping is complete.
  • Supports all major data wiping schemes, including: GOST R 50739-95, DOD 5220.22-M, Schneier & Gutmann


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