Putra Software

Game Capture HD Multilingual (x64)

Game Capture HD adalah aplikasi yang kaya fitur yang dikemas beberapa alat canggih untuk merekam video dengan gameplay serta menciptakan live streaming dari kompetisi, raids atau petualangan lainnya.

  • Provides a versatile environment for recording gameplay : First off, you should know that the application requires you connect the Elgato Game Capture HD60 device to your computer, Xbox, Wii or Playstation in order to capture shots from the games you play. The application comes with a sleek and stylish interface that contains all the features you need to record or live stream footage.
  • Allows you to enhance your videos with team chat : It is important to note that the utility comes with several editing features that enable you to tweak or correct your clips before uploading them or sharing them with your friends. Consequentially, you can resize the segments of the video and move them or remove them completely, so you can build a clip that features only the best action moments while skipping the boring parts.
  • An advanced tool for game recording : All in all, if you are looking for an efficient solution that enables you to stream the best moments in your favorite game with your friends or just to create minute walkthroughs of challenging quests or missions, then Game Capture HD might be the tool to try out.


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