Putra Software

Yandex Browser

Browser Yandex adalah produk berbasis Webkit, menggunakan kode proyek open source open source dan teknologi tambahan yang dipinjam dari Opera. Sebagai pesaing langsung dengan nama besar di luar sana, Yandex bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengaruhnya di pasar pencarian Internet. Dan sekarang, alih-alih hanya mencari dengan Yandex melalui program pihak ketiga, Anda bisa menggunakan peramban perusahaan itu sendiri.

  • Simple and easy-to-use : Yandex.Browser is a simple and easy-to-use internet browser. It loads pages quickly, just shows you what you need and gives you plenty of space for viewing webpages.
  • Tableau : Your favorite sites will only be a click away and colorful widgets will show you up-to-date information about the weather and traffic, as well as social network notifications.
  • Smartbox : Enter your searches and websites into the Smartbox. Search suggestions will help you search more quickly and autocorrect errors.
  • Reliable protection from viruses : Webpages are checked by the Yandex security system while all downloaded files are scanned by the Kaspersky anti-virus.
  • Translate webpages : This browser can translate foreign webpages with ease. It's fluent in 9 languages including English, German, French and Ukrainian.
  • Easily import your settings : Yandex.Browser can automatically import your bookmarks, browsing history and settings from your previous browser. 


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