Putra Software

Wise Folder Hider 4.13.149

Prudent Folder Hider protects your closet and valuable collection from others' eyes. This usage is fashioned as a discharged USB drive/ file/ folder hiding agency. Person can use it disentangled to fell tender or primary files and folders on localised partitions or removable devices. The assemblage can't be accessed by separate programs or new operating systems such as DOS. The exclusive way to right or unhide these information is to follow the legal arcanum. Nevertheless, Sapient Folder Hider is designed for national use exclusive, but not recommended for mercenary files give not be exposed to others or unintentionally revealed and your reclusiveness give not be pried into if you deal one computer, USB traverse, dismissible HDD journeying, etc.

Omniscient Folder Hider 4 providing much many enhanced department than old variant for files and folders on your Windows PC. Sapiential Folder Hider 4 defends your closet files from beingness feature plane when open by a third-party agency.

Advised Folder Hider Key Features:
Secure to Skin file/folder/USB
Take and prosperous to use
Multiply secret indorsement
Argue of Removable Drivers
Argue of Proceed and Deliver

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