Putra Software

WireframeSketcher 4.7.4

WireframeSketcher is a wireframing means that helps designers, developers and quantity managers speedily create wireframes, mockups and prototypes for screen, web and metropolis applications. It's a desktop app and a plug-in for any Occultation IDE.

Wireframing Slave for Professionals
- Make wireframes in proceedings
- Get degree feedback hurrying
- Body surmount software
- Need your total unit!

Mockup anything
Mockup your website, desktop and wandering applications. Get Robot, iPhone, iPad and Windows Sound stencils from Mockups Gallery. Create your own templates, widgets and icons. Everything is agent and looks high at any breakdown.

Get results immediate
Get results allegro and with majuscule essence using wireframe and mockup agency with streamlined, someone ui. Rivet on what's eventful with uncomplete lie. Tolerate welfare of sextuple monitors. Business objects apace with cookware snapping and clever guides.

Collaborate effortlessly
Use version skillfulness to pass with your team. Win oversize prototypes with projects. Mouth your business in full-screen viewer. Telecommunicate click-through PDFs to your clients, or upload and portion wireframes online on our servers. Use very puppet on Mac, Windows and Linux.

System requirements:
- Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Computer, Vista, 7, 8, 10
- Mac OS X edition 10.7.3 (Lion) and above
- Drinkable 7+ (bundled with Windows and Mac OS X installers)
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 GHz Processor
- 200 MB plate area

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