Putra Software

VidMasta 23.4

A federated investigate screen employment to interpret near, advertising, catch, and download any show and video titles that are existence common online.

Timepiece or download show and telecasting titles in any information (TV, DVD, 720p, 1080i/p) with as few as two clicks of the steal. The premier click is to hit the hunting fix. The wares utter is to hit the modification or download switch.
Anonymity via pistol filtering of untrusty IPs, the use of proxies, and coding
"Abysmal Activity, Human Shaper" rule for condescending recording download course. The formula aggregates all potency download links based on variations of the examine query and then selects the individual fixing based on factors that let trustworthiness, periodical of downloaders and uploaders, and recording record size.
"Favourite Movies" deciding to representation past movies that bang been downloaded the most
"Favorite TV Shows" alternative to show recent TV shows that individual been downloaded the most
Download recording subtitles
Set the product of results per operation
Set the extremum and extremum situation of a video file that can be downloaded
Set the video line extensions that can be downloaded
See for pic and television titles by constitute, relinquish escort, music, judgment, country, and module
Autoloading organization of see results by popularity
Concentrate and construe diminutive summaries of titles
Analyze trailers of titles
Orbit exudate dates and ratings of titles
Email download course, flow links, and housing course
Sleuthing of video box sets
PeerBlock compounding (only lendable for Windows XP and higher)

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