Putra Software

Tabs Studio 4.1.0

Tabs Studio is a Visual Studio extension that allows you to easily work with any number of open documents. The professional tool for organizing and customizing Visual Studio document registers.

Several rows of tabs
Make all tabs visible in multiple rows, or limit the maximum number of rows and hide rarely used tabs to save the screen area.

Tab grouping
Automatically group tabs with the same name, but different extensions on an extended tab. Save screen area and keep relevant tabs close together.

Tab coloring
Set different colors for tabs that match the specified tab name, document project, or path pattern.

Title transformation
Remove the path from the tab name and add the folder or project name only if two tabs have the same name.

Keyboard navigation
Open, close, and switch tabs with customizable key combinations.

Flexible behavior
Set up rules to sort, group, organize, and open the tabs automatically.

Customizable presentation
Select the button to close the button, the tab, the motif colors. Design your own XAML style.

Extension API
Write your own extension for Tabs Studio and Visual Studio in any .NET language that uses the open source code of the existing Tabs Studio add-ins.

What's new:
Added support for Visual Studio 2017 RC4.
A separate installer created for Visual Studio 2008.
Activates the TrackEd add-in by default.
A missing style has been added to display the tabs for running and debugging images in SSMS 2016.
Added a left margin for tab execution and debugging images in SSMS.
Remove references to VS 2008 from import / export settings.
Fixed a rare ArgumentException in VSDocument.get_full_name for SSMS 2016.
Fixed a rare COMException in VSDirectory.process_project_item.
Fixed nullReferenceException in Navigator.Tabs.GetTabIndex.

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