The packet Sysinternals Suite includes the multitude utilities:
AccessChk, AccessEnum, AdExplorer, AdRestore, Autologon, Autoruns, BgInfo, CacheSet, ClockRes, Contig, Coreinfo, Ctrl2Cap, DebugView, Desktops, DiskExt, DiskMon, DiskView, Plough Utilisation (DU), EFSDump, FileMon, Manipulate, Hex2dec, Connector, LDMDump, ListDLLs, LiveKd, LoadOrder, LogonSessions, NewSid, NTFSInfo, PageDefrag, PendMoves, PortMon, ProcessExplorer, Operation Observe, ProcFeatures, PsExec, PsFile, PsGetSid, PsInfo, PsKill, PsList, PsLoggedOn, PsLogList, PsPasswd, PsService, PsShutdown, PsSuspend, RegDelNull, RegJump, RegMon, RootkitRevealer, SDelete, ShareEnum, ShellRunas, SigCheck, Streams, Section, Sync, TCPView, VolumeID, WhoIs, WinObj, VMMap, ZoomIt.
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