Putra Software

Subtitle Edit portable

Subtitle Edit (SE) is an editor for recording subtitles - a right subtitle editor. With SE you can easily conform a rendering if it is out of sync with the video and much writer. For a move of features see below or bill out the Translation Alter Service page. Also, you can watch a few videos around beginning and using Translation Edit. Dny238 has typed a respectable tutorial nigh Syncing Subtitles with Rendering Cut :)


* Create/adjust/sync/translate version lines
* Convert between SubRib, MicroDVD, Substation Alpha, SAMI, youtube sbv, and numerous author
* Video contestant uses DirectShow or VLC media participant
* Visually sync/adjust a rendering (start/end place and ratio)
* Auto Movement via Google translate or Microsoft Bing Reiterate
* Rip subtitles from a (decrypted) dvd
* Import and OCR VobSub sub/idx star subtitles (can use Tesseract via Tessnet2)
* Can unobstructed subtitles embedded part matroska files
* Can construe and compose UTF-8 and separate unicode files (too ANSI)
* Sync: Appear texts earlier/later
* Merge/split
* Alter communicate moment
* Fix unwashed errors wizard
* Mean checking via Area Part dictionaries/NHunspell (galore dictionaries free)
* Shift text for pore dyslexic (HI)
* Renumbering
* Scandinavian to danish translation built-in (via Multi Mediator Online)
* Personalty: Typewriter and karoake
* History/undo manager
* Comparability subtitles
* Triplex search and supersede
* Occurrence casing using defamation lexicon

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