Putra Software

RealPlayer (RealTimes)

RealPlayer adalah produk pertama yang mengintegrasikan teknologi Harmony Harmony revolusioner yang baru. RealPlayer memungkinkan konsumen mendownload musik yang diputar di lebih dari 100 perangkat portabel, termasuk iPod Apple. RealPlayer adalah satu-satunya pemutar media digital yang Anda butuhkan untuk menemukan dan mendownload musik baru, memutar dan mengelola klip audio dan video, dan membawa hiburan digital Anda.

Video Features:
  • Universal Player. Play every major media type, including Flash, Quicktime MPEG–4, Windows Media, DVDs and CDs.
  • High Quality Video. Enjoy HD and near DVD–quality video and audio with your broadband connection.
  • Works with iTunes. Transfer your favorite videos from thousands of Web sites to your iTunes library.
  • LivePause & Perfect Play. Pause, rewind and fast–forward through live audio or video clips while they play. Create your own instant replays.
  • Built-In Media Browser. The built-in media browser lets you to surf the Web while you’re playing video clips or listening to music.

Audio Features:

  • Advanced CD Burning. Rip, mix and burn CDs and MP3s fast. Normalize volume across your CD, set up crossfades and remove gaps between tracks.
  • Advanced Audio. Take control with a 10–band equalizer. You can even convert vinyl, tape and voice to digital files.
  • 10–Band Graphic EQ. Optimize your sound exactly the way you like it with a 10–band graphic equalizer. Adjust your EQ for room size, input type, and more.
  • Crossfade. Crossfade between songs and add reverb to give your mixes a professional edge.
  • Multiple Audio Formats. Supports audio CD, MP3, WMA, AAC, RealAudio Lossless, and many more.
  • Surround Sound. RealPlayer supports 5-channel audio and a dedicated sub-woofer channel.
  • RealAudio Lossless Format. Our new format allows you to burn high-quality CDs using only half the disk space of the standard CD audio format.