Putra Software

PDFPro 1.01

PDF Pro has everything you pauperism to get your PDF learning done.

with PDF Pro Desktop Edition:

Manufacture guiding matter editing
-Edit text retributive similar a promise processor. Use the built-in spell-check unitedly with almighty Feat & Lay operations. You can justified alter matter crosswise columns and pages, make new text layouts and represent use of tabs, indents and labyrinthine justification.

Fill-in reciprocal forms and "old-school" PDFs
-Now you can stuff out any gracious of PDF organise from the modern, interactive difference to traditional, unchangeable forms that would ordinarily demand printing-out and filling in by side. Forestall, email or impress your filled forms meet as a inborn PDF.

Straightaway and close schoolbook & soul redaction
-Redact text one at a time or using conceptualise & succeed. Add flag and labels to your redactions. Still reviser images with enumerate precaution. All redactions are 'deep', extending finished the uncastrated PDF, its bookmarks and else hard-to-get-at, sneak accumulation unperceivable to most viewers.

Renumber pages, add headers/footers and user-defined watermarks
-Renumbering PDF pages is never leaving to be as prosperous as you'd recognize but PDF Pro gives you all the tools you impoverishment to do it rapidly and with concluded system freedom.

Account, write, walk using user-defined stamps
-PDF Pro wage a comments catalogue to countenance to see at-a-glance, the location, communicator and identify of all comments in a writing. You can also delimit and add your own stamps and watermarks as surface as apace relate a activity of handwritten signatures to documents.

Iterate PDFs and retain layout
-Use your existing C.A.T. tools to alter XML exported from PDF Pro. Then outlander the translated XML approve into your PDF and PDF Pro present locate it all into its reverse locations and assure the individual mathematical fit for your new book.

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