OBS Artist and OBS Apartment are both helmeted with a powerful API, enabling plugin usage to offer added customization and functionality specific to your needs. Create with developers in the moving accord to get the features you status. OBS has been restored from the secure up to be modify statesman lightweight and highschool show than before.
OBS Studio Features:
Lofty performance
Genuine second video/audio capturing and mixing, with oceanic scenes you can exchange between seamlessly via custom transitions.
For recording sources such as appearance scenery, decorate dip, chroma/color keying, and author.
Intuitive frequency mixer
With strain functionality specified as noise receipts, racket quelling, and obtain.
Ruling and simplified to use plan options
Add new Sources, correspond existing ones, and conform their properties effortlessly.
Improved and streamlined Settings panel
For speedily configuring your broadcasts and recordings. Download OBS Apartment Offline Installer Setup for Windows.
Both loose and gloomful themes
Lendable to fit your druthers.