Putra Software

NCH PhotoStage Slideshow Producer 4.07 Professional Beta

A comprehensive application that provides the tools you need to create slideshow presentations from scratch by using image, audio, and video files.

Slideshow Creator Software
- Easy to use - drag & drop images to arrange the slides. Or rotate a folder of images into a slide show with Quick Create.
- Full effect - Includes zoom, crop, fade, panning, zoom, and more to bring your photos to life
- Enhance your photos - Touch or enhance your photos and videos with optimization tools
- Multimedia Presentations - Add thousands of photos and video clips, then add captions, music, and narrative
- Easy to split - Burn bides to DVD, save video files or optimize for the web and portable devices

Stunning photo transitions and effects
- Choose from a variety of transitions
- Add panning and zoom effects additional dimension
- Fade transitions give your slideshow a professional touch
- Preview the effects in real time
- Adjust the duration of the effect

Complete photo optimization
- Fine adjustment Brightness, color and saturation
- Crop photos, rotate and flip easily
- Add text labels to individual slides
- Add video clips for a complete slide show presentation
- Preview your changes in real-time

Amazing audio tools
- Add music tracks to your slideshow
- Enumeration by clicking on a button
- Import pre-recorded narrations
- Mix several pieces of music together with our powerful

Share slideshows with family and friends
- Burn slideshows to DVD and watch your TV
- Upload directly to YouTube or Facebook and share online
- Store on PSP, iPod, iPhone or 3GP phones
- Export video slideshows as Flash
- Supports Full HD (i.e. 720p, 1080p)

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