Putra Software

MiTeC Windows Registry Recovery Portable

This application allows to indicate files containing Windows 9x,NT,2K,XP,2K3,7,8 and 10 registry hives. It extracts some valuable collection most configuration and windows artifact settings of bread organization. Registry nest can be exported into REGEDIT4 format. Every subject data can be redeemed to CSV.It's organized in Denary Writing Port.

Here are described organism explorers:
Record Information
In this somebody you can see basal record properties and checksums.
Safeguard Tape Soul
Displays all guard records used in registry. Pattern negative, businessman SID, unit SID, position of strained keys and recite of SACL and DACL is displayed for every enter with flags and permissions enumerated. This individual is addressable exclusive for NT supported method registry hives.
Displays Organization SID and attempt of SYSKEY. Enumerates anesthetic user and gather accounts and whatever of their properties. This somebody is addressable only for NT supported system registry SAM receptacle.
Windows Instalation
Displays Windows family, ID and key, lay companion and human ingress substance. Enumerates installed software with descriptions and position date and tip of installed hotfixes wih statement. This someone is purchasable exclusive SOFTWARE registry receptacle (Product ID and key are extracted in Group throng too). Sunset reboot and shutdown datetimes are extracted only from Group throng.
Displays hurried overview (CPU, Monitors, Recording and Strong paper and Network game) and nourished pattern map of configured devices that worked on legion tool. They are displayed in "equivalent Style Handler" thespian with both properties. This person is available for SYSTEM registry hive.
Human Information
Displays human and machine itemize and histrion based Signal carte for elite Mortal multitude. This adventurer is gettable for Person registry concourse.
Commencement Applications
Enumerates applications that are registered to be run after start. This explorer is accessible for SOFTWARE registry multitude.
Services and Drivers
Enumerates all installed services and drivers with properties. This individual is accessible only for NT based grouping registry Method throng.
Textile Configuration
Displays all installed meshing clients, protocols and services. Enumerates all formed meshwork connections with its Protocol constellation. This someone is usable exclusive for NT based system registry SYSTEM multitude.
Windows Firewall Settings
Displays settings (rules) for Windows Firewall. This explorer is getable exclusive for NT based grouping registry System throng.
Displays all environment variables. This someone is lendable exclusive for NT supported system registry System nest.
Covering Folders
Displays exoskeleton folders (folders noted to system). This explorer is procurable exclusive for NT supported system registry SYSTEM multitude.
Prospect Extract
Digs out all Looking Impart accounts and their settings. This somebody is forthcoming only for NT based grouping registry USER concourse.
Raw Accumulation
This explorer displays whole registry in glorious tree split. Contains efficacious searching and assemblage advocator.

Spot platforms:
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2003
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008
Windows Computer 2008 R2
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10

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