Putra Software

M Icon Editor 3.15

M Icon Editor is a adult picture editor for Windows. It is fashioned to occupation with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 icons supporting ikon. Create Windows icons with papers up to 768x768 for Windows 10. Jock puppet to make and censor windows desktop icons, intentional uncommon for windows software developers. With M Icon Editor you can action all inferior computation with icon you essential to change, or create new picture from get to end. Editor has a advanced illustration interface which allows to create all requisite dealing with comfortable. You can use tabbed program, to donjon your icons in an ordering, or use multi pane interface to see and modify many than one picture at once.

M Icon Editor features:
Create and alter icons in either normal or customised sizes, in timbre depths up to 16 cardinal flag.
Make and cut icons for Windows XP/7/8/10 in 32-bit embellish depth with 8-bit alpha point.
Create icon from BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PNG images.
Makeup images with position, using common coat tools.
Distil icons from Windows executables (.exe), painting libraries(icl), Dynamical Holdfast Accumulation (.dll) and statesman.
Export icon images to BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PNG files
Strengthener for Windows 10 768x768 icons with PNG concentration.

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