Putra Software

HT Parental Controls

Our latest version of HT Parental Controls provides an unparalleled level of website and system restriction that is friendly enough for anyone to use. Recent studies have found over 70% of parents, as well as organizations, monitor and restrict Internet and computer access. What was once seen as a violation of personal freedom has quickly become a necessity.

With features ranging from time controls and user privileges to scheduled screen captures and remote reporting, HT Parental Controls is a complete solution for your monitoring and security needs. Our advanced content matching algorithms provide a secure way to filter unwanted Web sites without specifying each address individually. Blocking web pages, applications, and chat programs has never been easier with our friendly filter definition interface.

Unlike many solutions, we do not stop in restricting access. In addition to the security devices, HT Parental Controls has a variety of monitoring tools. Remote reporting through scheduled e-mails and log export functionality, you can also view and use this information outside of our system. If you need a solution to back up and monitor your computer, you need HT Parental Controls.

Application monitoring and blocking
Whether you want to prevent access to applications for security or parental purposes, you can do this easily with HT Parental Controls. Select programs to block from our default list of popular apps, or add a custom application to your computer. In addition to blocking access to applications, we provide the ability to track program usage so you can see when applications are opened and closed. It is extremely easy to control access to programs installed on your computer with our software!

Site monitoring and blocking
HT Parental Controls monitors website traffic and allows you to block access to sites based on their address as well as their content. Using our predefined site categories makes web filtering easy for everyone. Our innovative algorithms efficiently recognize tagged keywords with low overhead. This means that you can be sure that the content you want to block is out of reach without slowing down your computer.
In addition to the blocking of websites, HT Parental Controls records all web traffic. This feature works regardless of the Internet browser used, and provides time viewing, location address, and location name. If you have a history of the most prestigious pages, you can ensure that your filters work properly and can be useful in checking surfing trends and practices.

Keystroke monitoring
Sometimes you may need to monitor what is entered into specific applications. This can be especially the case when monitoring conversations through licensed chat programs. Our keystroke logging routines work quietly in the background, without being recognized.
Unlike other key logging software, which simply makes all the data in a messy file, HT Parental Controls provides a clean interface to your keystroke logs. Each session is tracked separately so that you can view a history of application usage by time, and only display the data entered during the use of this specific program. Checking keyboard activity has never been so easy!

Instant Messenger Blocking
With all the new messaging applications released, sometimes it's hard to keep! For this reason, we provide you with a list of messenger and chat applications that are easy to identify and block. Whether you want to restrict access to only one specific licensed chat program, or if you want to block them all, you can easily do this with HT Parental Controls.

Screenshot capture
When recording keyboard traffic is simply not enough, never afraid, screenshots make everything clear! We understand that a picture can sometimes be worth a thousand key strokes. For this reason, we offer the ability to capture screenshots at customizable intervals.

In addition to specifying the intervals with which you can access, you can also use the HT Parental Controls to select the image quality for your screenshot. With this unique feature, you can control the physical size of your screen shots to save space. Our easy-to-use interface allows you to quickly see your history of the screenshots or thumbnails at full screen size.

Social Network Blocking
You can block the need to block access to certain social networking sites, such as Facebook or MySpace. These types of websites have proven themselves to be working as timekeepers. They can also serve as an open door to carnivores at home. Whether you block access to social networking sites for the purpose of work efficiency or as a means of security for your loved ones, you can rely on HT Parental Controls!

Time control
Our Parental Time Control software provides great flexibility when you decide to block web sites, applications, and various machine access rights. Maybe you just want your kids on the computer before going to sleep. You might want to close users after normal business hours. Whatever the case, you can do it with time checks.

You can specify what hours of the day, for each day of the week, you want to enable computer use. With advanced options that allow you to prevent the user from accessing the change in system time, you can be sure configured access is only allowed if you say so! Additional features that allow you to limit the maximum number of hours to access are also available. This is great to guarantee that your children will save time for homework.

Individual user settings
The need to have different access restrictions for different users is a problem that often presents itself. With the ability to define different permissions on a user-based basis, you have nothing to fear. We provide the ability to enable activity logging, site filtering, application filtering, time control, and Windows security permissions on a per user basis. In addition, each user account can have its own property filter definitions, so you can customize access restrictions.

Remote reporting
System administrators worldwide applaud our remote reporting capabilities. With this unique feature, you can configure schedules for reports to be mailed by e-mail. This provides a convenient way to centralize historical reports, the need to scan multiple computers to compress logs. System administrators are not the only benefactors of this tool, parents also find it useful! Whether you're out of town for a few days, or just want to monitor usage while you're at work, remote reporting allows you to do so while not physically at your computer.

Tamper resistance
There is nothing worse than spending the time and the energy that your security has configured just to have it thwarted by a savvy user. We understand this at Hidetools, which is why we have paid particular attention to the addition of customer-specific tamper-proof security. With built-in password protection, stealth modes and user access permissions, HT Parental Controls can be enhanced by unwanted manipulations. Additional provisions for blocking the control panel, registration editor, system time processing, and other system tools add an additional layer of protection to ensure that users can not change security configurations

Stealth mode
Often, if you monitor the users, you do not want them to be aware that this is the case. By running in stealth mode, HT Parental Controls can run smoothly in the background without being detected. This is not only great to conceal the fact that one is supervising the use, but also serves as a great means of safety. Because users can not see that they are being monitored, they can not try to bypass your security measures.

Privacy Policy Police
Some companies that produce monitoring software sell private customer information, including recorded logs. We do not make It is corporate policy that our customer databases remain confidential and private. Hidetools does not have access to information stored in our software. This information is not stored on our servers. No personal data will be transmitted to Hidetools. Your information is safe with us.

Easy to install and use
HT Parental Controls is so easy for parents to install and manage. We design HT child safety in a way that less computer experienced parents will find it easy to understand. HT Parental Controls is installed automatically in less than 1 minute and has a simple, intuitive user interface. In addition, we provide you with a detailed operating manual which clearly explains every feature. And do not forget our TOLLFREIE TECHNICAL SUPPORT if you need help.

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