Putra Software

Futuremark SystemInfo 5.0.609

SystemInfo is a component that is used in many of our benchmarks to identify the hardware in your system. It does not collect personally identifiable information. SystemInfo updates do not affect benchmark scores, but you may need the latest version to get a valid score.
The latest versions of our currently supported benchmarks will prompt you to install new SystemInfo updates. Alternatively, you can update SystemInfo itself from this page.

Monitor your system and find hardware IDs

Futuremark SystemInfo can scan your computer and gather information about a range of services, processes, and hardware performance.

The tool can easily export the result of the scan to an XML file where you can view the current values ​​for the system version, user, files, memory, memory, and motherboard. You can also view multiple statistics and information about WMI, setup APIs, power supplies, DirectX, CPU cores, and single or multi-threaded activities.

This diagnostic tool offers you only the system information, it does not mark any errors, triggers alarms and does not repair or repair any irregularities. However, it provides you with a comprehensive overview of the current state of your system.

System information and activity logs

After installation, Futuremark SystemInfo creates several components that you can use with different benchmarks. With the System Diagnostic Tool, you can collect system data and monitor information about direct queries.

The GUI utility is easy to use and has multiple tabs. The log displays the task being executed and its status, but the actual results of the search are displayed separately and are automatically exported to an XML file that you can inspect.

Advanced search tools

The Advanced tab in Futuremark SystemInfo allows you to filter the categories that you want to examine. This allows you to select one of the parameters in single and multi-threaded activities that are ADL info, DirectX, CPUID, NVAPI info, CPU, battery, motherboard, monitor, OS, or storage data.

In addition, you can perform direct queries on the CPU name, the vendor, the built-in clock, the GPU name, if any, as well as the details of the individual CPU cores. You can perform standard diagnostics searches or find bottlenecks

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