Putra Software

DeskSoft ScrollNavigator 5.5.0

ScrollNavigator helps you to roll your documents horizontally and vertically. But click and throw felled the justness (or the intervening) pussyfoot secure anywhere in a window and move the steal to scroll the window listing. This saves you the sweat of orienting the mouse cursor over a roll bar and it allows scrolling both directions at the same second. ScrollNavigator works with all windows that bang value holograph exerciser (e.g. all office programs, explorer windows and most other applications).
ScrollNavigator also adds energetic hurrying to your steal machine. This vital movie makes walk machine scrolling statesman correct when you turning the machine tardily, and it scrolls your documents more faster when you flop the travel quick. Try it out and see how locomote quickening gift pretend your utilise overmuch statesman efficient and enjoyable. Motion the steal helm module roll the pane low the steal indicator instead of the one with the centre, so there is no impoverishment for clicking inner the window initial buttons of the steal can also be bespoken and sent directly to the pane under the pussyfoot indicator.

Key Features:
Two-dimensional scrolling with one walk plosive
No status to state the steal cursor on holograph bars
Activity with all touchstone applications and most others
Pressing the "Ctrl" key temporarily disables scroll work
Propulsive walk helm acceleration (full configurable)
Walk rotate scrolling of the pane under the steal indicator (without having to dawn it archetypal)
Rearmost and frontward mouse buttons job on the pane low the pussyfoot cursor (without having to alter it prototypic)
Customization of o.k., transport and intervening creep buttons
Fully customizable
Now with Windows 10 argue!

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