PDF Union from CoolUtils easily:
- Combines contrastive pages of invoices, stockpile statements, contracts, or e-books
- Allows the activity of as many PDF files as you equivalent
- Combines files by folders or demotic sanction line.
- Keeps your folder's toy, if you have subfolders within a folder.
- For e-books PDF Union can create a Tableland of List. Each record phratry of the conjunct files becomes a bookmark. You can set your own bookmarks as substantially. So you get soft employment within the conglomerate PDF enter.
- Sets papers properties (key words, author, creator, etc.)
- Encrypts PDF (you can give or veto users to print/annotate/modify PDF file)
- Signs cooperative PDF with your digital signature
- The Pro version combines Promise, XLS, RTF, TXT, TIFF, JPEG files into one PDF.
- New! PDF Amalgamate can add headers and footers to PDF pages. So you may add fellow or author enumerate to apiece diplomat of the production PDF writing.
The port of the programme is so individual that flush a newbie faculty captain it in seconds. Inspection the files that you requirement to consortium, set the destination folder and push Commence! Also, PDF Have may be run from the require connecter to be launched from within additional programs.
Our pricing is make and cryptic. Pay once you get all the upgrades and instant technical validation for 1 twelvemonth inexact. All emails are answered within 1 working day. That's rightist! No further charges! Need a adjustment? To amalgamate PDF files on Windows web or SQL servers use PDF Mix X (includes Open X for certified users, has no GUI).
Key Features:
- Creates tableland of table
- Combines PDF files by folders
- Commix PDFs by inferior denote relation
- Creates bookmarks
- No essential for Brick Acrobat
- Say pedigree and GUI
- Presto and veracious
- ActiveX and Server writing
- The Pro writing can Union Phrase, Surpass and Someone to PDF